Creating Tags, Widgets and Dashboards

Tutorial: Creating Tags, Widgets and Dashboards

This tutorial describes how to setup a Dashboard to visualize 2 tags from a S7-1200 PLC. One tag is pointing to Integer MW2 (Temperature) and the other is pointing to Float MD22 (Water level).  Please follow the videos one-by-one and start with 1.

This picture shows the concept and relationship between data tags, scales and widgets.
In this example, a register MW2 with Integer value 8 is read from the PLC, scaled up from range 0 to 10 up to a range of -30 to +30 and visualized by means of a gauge widget in to a dashboard. The visualized result is 18°C.

1. Creating Tags

2. Creating Scaling

3. Creating Widgets and Dashboards

4. How-to add Widgets and Dashboards

5. See also


1. Creating Tags

This video shows how to connect a mbNET router to a Siemens S7-1200 PLC and read data.


2. Creating Scaling-rules

Scaling rules allow raw data, provided by tags, to be interpreted as a string, integer or float and convert it to one of the three formats mentioned above. Scaling rules allow to configure an input and output range of the tag-data, set the number of decimals, decimal separator type, thousand delimiter type and display metric. scaling rules can be assigned to Tags as well as widgets.

Scaling rules can be created for a project or for an mbNET-router. Project Scaling Rules can be used by all mbNET-routers that are assigned to that project while Device Scaling Rules only apply for the particular mbNET-router.

The video below shows how to create device scaling rules for a temperature and a water level reading.


3. Creating Widgets and Dashboards

A dashboards is a web-based visualisation that provides at-a-glance view of your most important process key parameters. Widgets enable you to visualise data provided by tags and can be added to a dashboard. Our widget library contains control widgets that enable you to control your process. Dashboards can be accessed on any HTML5 able (mobile) device after sharing the dashboards URL or QR-code. The connection to the shared dashboard will use HTTPS and thus is a secure connection. Shared dashboard links do not support control widgets.

Dashboards and widgets can be created for a project or for an mbNET-router.

Project based dashboards can combine data from multiple mbNET-routers assigned to this project. Project based widgets can only be used in project based dashboards. The same applies for mbNET-router based widgets which can only be used by mbNET-router based dashboards.

This video shows how to create mbNET-router based widget and dashboards.


4. How-to add Widgets and Dashboards


5. See also


Revision: V1.1