How can I access the serial interfaces of a mbNET-device using NodeRED?

Accessing serial ports of a mbNET-device. Question: I want to read and write data to the serial ports of an mbNET. I want to use the serial-in and Serial-out nodes which are in the default library. How can I address the serial interfaces so I can send and receive serial data? Answer: The serial interfaces COM1 and COM2 can be addresses by using the following file directives: /dev/ttyS1 for Com1 And /dev/ttyS2 for Com2 See below an NodeRED example on how to send and receive...

Which Nodes are included in the Node-RED edition mbEDGE.advanced V1.0.0?

Q Which Nodes are included in the Node-RED edition mbEDGE.advanced V1.0.0? A There are the following nodes included as default nodes in mbEDGE.advanced V1.0.0. node-red Version 1.0.3 based on NodeJS v12.16.1 Node package manager V6.13.4 - node-red-node-random" - node-red-node-email - node-red-contrib-ftp-sftp - node-red-contrib-iiot-opcua - node-red-dashboard - node-red-contrib-mqtt-broker - node-red-contrib-iottools-cloud - node-red-contrib-iottools-fieldbus ...

How can I exchange my SD-Card if it is broken or non operating?

Q How can I exchange my SD-Card if it is broken or non operating? A You need to order new one and insert the new one into the router. After this you need to restore your backup through the Web-Interface menu.

My router is not working anymore. How can I use the SD-card in a new router?

Q My router is not working anymore. How can I use the SD-card in a new router? A There is a procedure in place to move the License and SD Card from one router to another. Refer to this Application note ( chapter 2.

How is the licensing of the SD-card working?

Q How is the licensing of the SD-card working? A SD card License is bounded with one router only. So, SD card Licensed with one Router could not be used directly in other router. But, there is a provision to use SD card temporary or move in other router with help of the License code. Please refer to this application note (

Which router is able to be upgraded for mbEDGE?

Q Which router is able to be upgraded for mbEDGE? A mbNET HW:3, mbNET.rokey

How can I upgrade from mbEDGE.start to mbEDGE.advanced?

Q How can I upgrade from mbEDGE.start to mbEDGE.advanced? A To upgrade from mbEdge.start to mbEdge.advance, need to buy new advance version SD card.

Where are my Flows stored? And how can I do a Backup/Restore?

Q Where are my Flows stored? And how can I do a Backup/Restore? A Flows are stored as the configuration of the router. There are two ways, to back up Flows. --> Backup whole configuration from web page SYSTEM->Configuration. --> Backup Flows.json file from web page Extras->IoT > Control. To restore flows, copy all contents of flows.json file and restore it using import feature of Node-Red.

How can I access my files which I created inside Node-RED (for example with a file node)?

Q How can I access my files which I created inside Node-RED (for example with a file node)? A To save data in a node user directory /public/userdata/. Otherwise data will be stored in the root directory and cannot be accessed by an SFTP-client. So, for example, if you want to save data in file mydata.txt then give full path /public/userdata/mydata.txt in node. A SFTP-client can be used to access data in directory /public/userdata/. User settings in web page System->Memory devic...

Which Nodes are included in the Node-RED edition mbEDGE.start?

Q Which Nodes are included in the Node-RED edition mbEDGE.start? A There are following additional nodes with default nodes in Node Red. node-red Version 0.19.0 based on NodeJS 8.0 - node-red-contrib-azure-iot-hub - node-red-contrib-aws - node-red-contrib-scx-ibmiotapp - node-red-contrib-ibm-watson-iot - node-red-contrib-cumulocity - node-red-contrib-aggregator - node-red-contrib-ftp-sftp - node-red-contrib-modbustcp - node-red-contrib-s7 - node-red-contrib-ii...

What are the limits in Node-RED?

Q What are the limits in Node-RED? A Node Red is open source and it is being used in mbEdge under GPL public license. There are no such limitations defined for Node Red by their developers. Refer for issues. There are also no limitations with respect to mbEdge but it is being used in Embedded IIOT device and it could not work similar to Servers and desktop PCs.

How is the overall performance behavior of the router together with mbEDGE? Where could I readout the status (Load, RAM,Storage SD-Card,…)?

Q How is the overall performance behavior of the router together with mbEDGE? Where could I readout the status (Load, RAM,Storage SD-Card,…)? A Performance of router varies according to use cases of Node Red from user. Following are performance parameters with four flows including 22 switch cases, 22 dashboard nodes. RAM: 77 - 80 % CPU: 50 - 70 % SD card(User partition including all containers(advanced variant)): 19%

If I use nodes with TCP/IP capabilities, how can these be used through firewall? What is the overall architecture of Node-RED (what is reachable by LAN/WAN/VPN)?

Q If I use nodes with TCP/IP capabilities, how can these be used through firewall? What is the overall architecture of Node-RED (what is reachable by LAN/WAN/VPN)? A The router firewall is blocking any traffic coming from WAN/LAN to Node-RED by default. Except the Editor Interface for Port 1880. To open other Ports like for OPC-UA, use the settings in Menu "Extras > IoT > Network". .

What are the difference between mbEDGE.start and mbEDGE.advanced?

Q What are the difference between mbEDGE.start and mbEDGE.advanced? A There are two differences between mbEDGE.start and mbEDGE.advanced. 1. Container management tool - Portainer is available only in mbEdge.advanced. 2. There is no functionality to add third party node for Node-Red in mbEDGE.start

How can I access system parts of the router through Node-RED (Inputs, RoKey Switch, RAM, CPU-Load,…)?

Q How can I access system parts of the router through Node-RED (Inputs, RoKey Switch, RAM, CPU-Load,…)? A Inputs, outputs, LEDs or all IOs which are available in mbconnect24 could be accessed using mbconnect24 node in Node Red. These are the nodes coming with mbEDGE to communicate with mbCONNECT24 and mbNET. node "cloud" : to communicate with mbCONNECT24 node "device": to communicate with the mbNET node "fieldbus": to communicate with the fieldbus interface of mbXLINK

If I have programmed dead-loops in Node-RED and thus Node-RED does not start anymore, how can I save the flows before and then delete them on the system for Node-RED to start again?

Q If I have programmed dead-loops in Node-RED and thus Node-RED does not start anymore, how can I save the flows before and then delete them on the system for Node-RED to start again? A When Node Red is dead or dead loops, perform following steps. - Backup flows.json file from web page - Delete flows.json file from web page - Restart (Stop > Start) Node-Red from web page Status->IoT->Flows. The LED "Active" indicates with green that the service is running. With gra...

How can I update Node-RED?

Q How can I update Node-RED? A There is no possibility to update automatically Node-Red. There is a web page to update manually which will update Node-Red and Portainer (if applicable). Router administration web page Extras->IoT->Firmware. Note: It will update whole image and container. So, It will take time according to changes done with respect to last update. It will also stop Node Red and Portainer until update

How can I insert pictures / files in Node-RED Dashboards?

Q How can I insert pictures / files in Node-RED Dashboards? A Login to SFTP of Node Red and Copy files there. Please use full path in dashboard nodes. For example to use data.png file, use path /userdata/data.png in node. (/public/ is httpStatic in Node Red and whole directory can not be exposed to SFTP due to security reasons)

How can I send files on the SD card via email with Node-RED?

Q How can I send files on the SD card via email with Node-RED? A Please refer for details to send email file. Your file should be in SFTP directory and use respective path as explained in previous questions There is also an Application note ( on how to send email triggered by an S7 PLC.

How can I send files on the SD card via SFTP with Node-RED?

Q How can I send files on the SD card via SFTP with Node-RED? A Please use SFTP node in Node Red to receive/send file in Node-Red from/to third party SFTP. There is also an Application note ( on how to use SFTP together with a csv file.

Is there a template for a user container in Docker?

Q Is there a template for a user container in Docker? A There are templates available on Portainer (Only with mbEdge.advance).

How can I create my own containers in Docker?

Q How can I create my own containers in Docker? A User containers can be created using Portainer (Only with mbEdge.advance). There are three ways to create user containers. 1. Build image using Dockerfile and create container 2. Download pre-built image from repository and create container. 3. Upload tar file of image and create container. Please refer for details to use Portainer.

Why do I receive another log-in request after logging in?

Q Why do I receive another log-in request after logging in? A We are currently developing a new login procedure. The aim is to get uniform mbNET login masks. Depending on the versions used for the mbNET firmware and the mbEDGE version, it can happen that you have to enter the login information twice: first in an mbNET mask and then directly in the Node-RED. If all components are up-to-date, this is no longer necessary.