Application-Note: #NR1V1 : Hello World
Related Documents:
- Application-Note: #NR0V1 : Get Node-RED ready on my router
This application describes how to start with mbEDGE and Node-RED. A very simple application where a switch on a dashboard create different outputs to a text-label display.
Description 1 – Dashboard
This Dashboard displays the Switch “Land/Take off” and a Text Label above. These two elements are placed in the Node-RED flow editor. The following picture shows the flow and gives an impression on how it is organized.
Description 2 - Node-RED Flow
On the left side you see the library of Node-RED. These are the available nodes which can be drag&drop to the flow. There are input, output, function and dashboard node. Every input node sends messages on his output-connector to the nodes where he is connected to. For example the above node “Land/Take off” is an input-dashboard-node (switch) which sends a message whenever the switch is pushed on the dashboard.
Description 3 – node switch to set the text
The descripted node sends two different text to the label on the dashboard.
Description 4 - How to setup the switch node
The different text is set in the payload fields (see red arrows).
Step-by-Step for Hello World
Add dashboard switch node. Create a new Group (ui_group). This will be the selectable group item on the dashboard. |
Add text node and select the same ui_group as you created for the switch node. In our case it is the group “Simple”. Edit the field Label and select the Layout. |
Connect the nodes |
Deploy and test |
See below the Flow as a file to Import in your application.