How do I send SMS commands?

Type: FAQ
Date: 28.02.2018
Product: mbNET
Revision: FAQ-DE180011-1

You can send SMS commands (e.g.,to turn the Output via SMS on) to a mbNET , which has a modem integrated.

Subsequently is a list with SMS commands, which can be send from a smartphone to the mbNET directly (To: "SIM phone no."):

  • With INET START or INET STOP you can control the industrial router’s Internet connection. Note that you can only control an Internet connection that is active and has been established by the industrial router.
  • IPSEC START [connection name] or IPSEC STOP [connection name]
  • PPTP START [connection name] or PPTP STOP [connection name]
  • OPENVPN START [connection name] or OPENVPN STOP [connection name]

Whichever type of VPN you select, this must always be followed by the name of the connection. If, for example, the OpenVPN connection to mbCONNECT24 must be established please send as SMS command: OPENVPN START mbCONNECT24

  • With REBOOT your industrial router will restart. Please note that it cannot receive any commands while restarting.
  • Using OUT ON [outputnumber] or OUT OFF [outputnumber] you can also switch your router’s inputs on or off (e.g. OUT ON 1 switches on output 1; OUT OFF 1 switches off output 1)
  • The IN STATUS command returns input status.
  • With GSM CMD [at-command] you can send any AT command to the modem. The modem response will be returned to the sender’s number by SMS (e.g. “GSM CMD AT+cops?” returns network and provider details).
Please note:

Only the first 160 characters of the modem response will be transmitted. 

In addition, be aware that the SMS commands are case sensitive.

If you want that the mbNET establish the connection (e.g. via SMS) only if you decide, you must configure this in the device "Administration" under "Internet" -> "Connect to server on":

Furthermore, you must configure the SIM card at the device "Administration" under the "Modem" settings (with the respective phone no.) that the industrial router is able to receive any SMS command.