Which IP / Ports must be open for mbCONNECT24 in the firewall?

Which IP / Ports must be open for mbCONNECT24 in the firewall?

Belongs to:• RLAccess • mbDIALUP • mbNET • RA70S • mbNET.rokey • RA70K • mbNET.mini • RA50C

The remote maintenance routers and the connection software establish an outgoing VPN connection to the RSP remote maintenance portal via one of the three TCP ports 1194, 443 or 80. The default setting for the VPN connection is TCP port 1194. This port must be enabled in the firewall for an outgoing TCP connection so that the Remote Service Portal can be reached. Alternatively, the router and firewall can also be configured to port 443 or port 80.

Note on DPI firewalls:

If the firewall used analyses the type of data packets transmitted via an open port. (Deep Packet Inspection),  it should be noted that OpenVPN protocols are used to establish the connection and not, for example, HTTP or HTTPS. 

Therefore, OpenVPN or VPN in general may have to be configured separately in the firewall as a permitted technology.

Which destinations / IP addresses must be enabled in the firewall??

If the connection partners are configured in the firewall, the following IP addresses / domains must be enabled - depending on which server is to be connected to:

   Serverstandort    Version Server IP-Range URL
  Europe (FR)   RSP  rsp.mbCONNECT24.net (EU) / 28  rsp-vpn.mbconnect24.net
  Europe (FR)   RSP-S2  rsp-s2.mbCONNECT24.net (EU) / 28  rsp-s2.mbconnect24.net


Please note that the actual IP addresses of the EU servers may change. Therefore, the above-mentioned range should always be specified. 

Please also note the information on the IP range for the European servers:FAQ about IP-range release in the firewall for the European servers

The following addresses apply to the other servers:

Serverstandort Version Server IP URL
Europe(FR) V1 mbconnect24.net(EUROPE) vpn2.mbconnect24.net
Northamerika (CA) RSP rsp.mbCONNECT24.us (US/CAN) rsp-vpn.mbconnect24.us
Asia (SGP) RSP rsp.mbCONNECT24.asia (ASIA) rsp.mbconnect24.asia
Australia (AU) RSP rsp.au.mbCONNECT24.net AU rsp.au.mbconnect24.net